Gums Disease Treatment
Gum disease or periodontitis begins with a superficial inflammation of soft tissue around the tooth. This inflammation, if it is chronic, is called gingivitis.
This inflammation gives way to the growth of bacteria located more deeply, between the root of the tooth and the surrounding tissue. A pocket is slowly formed. The detachment of the gums will cause the bacteria to reach the level of the bone and lead to a deterioration of the latter.
The factors involved in periodontal disease are numerous but some are at the heart of the problem and if properly controlled or eliminated, the periodontium or periodontal tissues will have the ability to regenerate and heal.
Eliminating oral factors
Our success rate is very impressive since we focus on eliminating the following elements in your mouth:
Pathogenic bacteria
Sub gingival calculus, meaning, the plaque which has calcified over time on the surface of the root below the gum line.
The elimination of non-precious metals which are allergenic and inflammatory factors. By doing so we eliminate galvanic currents between metals. This galvanic current is a real electric current and induces constant irritation to the periodontal tissues and body.
Other factors
Of course there are many other factors to consider such as dry mouth, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cigarette smoking, drug use over a long period, vitamin deficiencies, lack of hygiene and other special considerations. However if the three main factors are eliminated, the success rate is unprecedented. This can be achieved without antibiotics, surgery and without synthetic chemicals or solutions.
During the treatment
The treatment takes place as follows:
We determine during the periodontal examination, the specific locations in the mouth that require treatment. We analyze under a microscope a sample of plaque taken from around the tooth where the infection is present.
We recommend a detailed and specific maintenance protocol at home with natural products and remedies customized for your specific needs.
We proceed to the elimination of tartar with ultrasounds and curettes on the surface of the root. We disinfect periodontal pockets with a diode laser (Navigator, Odyssey Diode Laser). This procedure is completed in the outmost comfort provided by local anesthesia.
When the patient continues the disinfection protocol at home (3 to 6 months) results are impressive.
Our Address
4571 Sherbrooke Ouest
Westmount, Québec, Canada H3Z 1E9
Phone: 514 934-0222 // Toll-free: 1 877-934-0222
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9AM – 7PM
Saturday 9AM – 2PM